Not getting anywhere
Often divers find that the hi-tech latest fins they bought for a packet are not giving them the pleasure and speed they thought. The slightest current has them finning as fast as possible, consuming air rapidly and not keeping up with the other divers.
A decent pair of fins allows you to use your most powerful muscle, your thigh muscles. If you fin like you ride a bicycle you will go nowhere.
The downward stroke delivers the most propulsion. Keep your leg straight and kick down slowly, bending the knee slightly on the upward stroke. You will find long leisurely fin strokes will use little energy and give you exceptional forward movement.
It is also important you have a good horizontal profile in the water because if you are swimming almost upright across the bottom you create a huge amount of resistance. Stay streamlined, keep your arms at your side and ensure all your gear is tucked and clipped close to your body.