So… You have planned and booked your first dive trip away from home. What can you expect and what should you take with you? Most travel agents and travel websites detail all the required inoculations, currency, and clothing you require but very few dive centres will advise you on what to bring as they are willing and able to rent you everything you forgot.
Almost every dive centre will operate on a similar basis in that they will have dive planning at a specific time of day, or a dive board where you will add your name. They will almost all have a printout or drawing of the dive sites in the range of their boat, details on depth, current and common sightings.

All dive centres will have you sign a few indemnities depending on their operation, one for the gear, perhaps one for boat travel, or adventure dives etc., but when they request you sign them, read them first, and produce your dive card. Make sure you sign up for a dive that is within your qualifications as it won’t be of any use to blame the dive charter if you end up at 40 metres when you only have an Open Water qualification. Dive centres and Dive Masters, guides, or whatever name they go by, will as a rule check your qualification before the dive, but don’t test this by leaving your certification card at home!
If possible take your own gear, or rent from your trusted dive centre if you are unsure of the serviceability of the place you are going to. Remember that some remote locations have huge logistic issues in servicing gear so check first. Having said that I have been to some of the remotest dive sites in Mozambique and found the dive centre has a state of the art workshop with all the required special tools and service kits.
Make sure you have a spare mask or mask strap, a spare fin strap and a few O rings. Check your dive bag before you leave, several times if need be. An expensive dive trip to the most remote islands of the world will go horribly wrong when the special mask you have to suit your oblong head… is left at home.
Make sure you know the type of cylinders used where you are going. If they only have aluminium cylinders without removable inserts then your DIN regulator will be of no use. An adaptor like this is useful: