PADI slates for the Instructor

Why I teach PADI

I do not profess to having much insight into how other certifying agencies equip their Instructors but I do know how PADI does.

PADI slates for the Instructor
PADI slates for the Instructor

As PADI Instructors we are kept up to date with the latest training information quarterly, and we receive an up dated Instructor’s Manual every year with all changes, alterations and additions to the curriculum. We attend forums where we are given the latest info, what’s new for the year, statistics and on the PADI Pro website there is a host of white paper topics relating to marketing, training and PADI programs, and an endless supply of diving related indemnity forms etc. For every program there is an underwater slate, detailing the requirements for each dive. PADI do ensure that we, as instructors have every bit of information available.

PADI Open Water Training DVDs
PADI Open Water Training DVDs

For every program, training course or any aspect of your diving business PADI has made all the info readily available for Instructors. PADI also continues to evolve an often leads the way in improving the training courses.

PADI Open Water logbook
PADI Open Water logbook front cover
PADI Open Water logbook
PADI Open Water logbook adventure dive information pages

For example, the PADI Open Water course training materials – crew pack as we commonly know it – originally contained a manual and a dive tables. Today it also contains an electronic dive planner, your own set of DVDs, an amazing log book for all your courses (Open Water, Advanced, Rescue, Specialty courses, and forty odd fun dives), plus loads of information on specialties, and a booklet giving you some insight on the diving options you have. All this in addition to the manual!

PADI Electronic Dive Planner
PADI Electronic Dive Planner

Learning to dive in Cape Town with me at Learn to Dive Today means you also get a SURG slate on the common creatures we have here, plus free DAN diving medical cover for the duration of your Open Water course.

SURG Marine Animals of the Cape Peninsula slate
SURG Marine Animals of the Cape Peninsula slate
SURG Marine Animals of the Cape Peninsula slate
SURG Marine Animals of the Cape Peninsula slate (reverse)

Published by


Scuba diver, teacher, gadget man, racing driver, boat skipper, photographer, and collector of stray animals

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