The journal contents and abstracts can be found on the National Inquiry Services Centre (NISC) website. Most of the articles require paid subscription to access them, but there are some freely available:
- Review of the rescue, rehabilitation and restoration of oiled seabirds in South Africa, especially African penguins Spheniscus demersus and Cape gannets Morus capensis, 1983-2005 – for all those wannabe SANCCOB volunteers!
- A review and tests of hypotheses about causes of the KwaZulu-Natal sardine run – of interest if you’ve watched Nature’s Great Events…
- Migration redefined? Seasonality, movements and group composition of humpback whales Megaptera novaeangliae off the west coast of South Africa – this one looks particularly fascinating for Western Cape residents who enjoy the annual visit of whales to False Bay and surrounds. It appears that our understanding of the behaviour of these magnificent creatures is still developing, and that they are far more flexible than we imagined.
I would caution against subscribing as an individual, because the subscription fee levied will be for a full calendar year, regardless of when you subscribe. If you do decide to subscribe, be sure to do it via NISC if you’re a South African.