The anchor is over two metres long

Dive sites (Malta): The anchor at Cirkewwa

The visibility at Cirkewwa is usually very good
The visibility at Cirkewwa is usually very good

Not far from the wreck of the tugboat Rozi, off Cirkewwa in Malta, is situated a huge anchor, lying on the sand. It’s quite encrusted with sea plants and is an arresting site for passing divers.

The anchor is over two metres long
The anchor is over two metres long
Swimming over the anchor
Swimming over the anchor

The dive details shown below are from a dive we did on the Rozi (our first dive in Malta, in fact), after which we visited the anchor on our way back to shore.

After some years in the sea the anchor is quite encrusted
After some years in the sea the anchor is quite encrusted

Dive date: 2 August 2011

Air temperature: 31 degrees

Water temperature: 22 degrees

Maximum depth: 30.9 metres

Visibility: 30 metres

Dive duration: 44 minutes

Tony continues on towards shore
Tony continues on towards shore

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Lapsed mathematician, creator of order, formulator of hypotheses. Lover of the ocean, being outdoors, the bush, reading, photography, travelling (especially in Africa) and road trips.

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