Drying agent on the floor. Note the towel (bottom right) positioned for just such an accident

Handy hints: Indoor compressor maintenance

Service day on the compressor came round a few weeks ago but sadly it was pouring with rain so doing this outside was out of the question. The best solution in such a situation is:

  1. You must WAIT until your wife has left for work..(very important step)
  2. Bring the work table and the compressor, with oils, filters, tools etc. and spread them out in the lounge.
  3. Avoid the couch… (especially if it is white)
  4. Now you have a clean sterile environment in which to service a safety-critical item of the compressor.
Compressor all ready for servicing
Compressor all ready for servicing


It is very important to make sure the wife has left because should you drop the container of drying agent on the floor (see below) you could possibly end up in trouble.

Drying agent on the floor. Note the towel (bottom right) positioned for just such an accident
Drying agent on the floor. Note the towel (bottom right) positioned for just such an accident

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Scuba diver, teacher, gadget man, racing driver, boat skipper, photographer, and collector of stray animals

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