Hi divers
Weather, hmm, this time of year it is a tussle between the Atlantic and False Bay with the Atlantic winning more often than not. We decided not to dive last Saturday as I felt the conditions unsuitable for newish divers. Those that braved these conditions (see the picture below) were rewarded with 8 degree water and mind blowing viz.

As I write this newsletter I can see outside that the southeaster is hammering the bay and despite the wind dropping off tomorrow I don’t think False Bay will be very clean for the next few days. This weekend’s conditions are once again sending the boats and divers to the Atlantic. Saturday does not look good but Sunday seems at this point to be much better. Grant will launch on Sunday from Hout Bay. Please contact him directly to book… I will be spending most of the weekend in the pool with new students!

We did dive False Bay this last week before the southeaster became problematic. On Sunday we were at Long Beach, and later in the week I dived with tourists primarily and had 6 metre visibility with 17 degree water. We also dived at A Frame and saw gully sharks in the swim-through. I only saw two, but there have been up to 8 seen at once so it appears they have made it their home.

Many people are on leave, have odd days off and want to get some diving done. This time of the year also sees an influx of tourists so planning and pre-booking is essential. The dive schools are also all busy so getting on a boat can be difficult as Cape Town has far fewer dive boats than number of dive schools. If you have a few days off in the next couple of weeks try and plan ahead, and if I text or email you about a boat dive, let me know chop-chop if you’re in.
The Learn to Dive Today website has had a bit of a revamp – we are currently busy switching over from the old to the new one, which can take up to 48 hours as the new hosting information propagates across the internet, so service may be unpredictable. If you do go check it out, please let me know if you find any broken links or typos!
Tony Lindeque
076 817 1099
Diving is addictive!
P.S. For gift ideas for the scuba diver in your life, or as a list of hints to give to your mother, girlfriend, granny or second cousin to assist them in buying you a present, you can check out our Christmas gift guide. Also works for Hanukkah!