I sometimes get queries from people who want to become commercial divers, and be able to perform specific tasks such as underwater welding. The courses I teach are PADI recreational diving courses, and are for people who want to enjoy the ocean but not necessarily work in it. A sport or recreational diving certification such as the PADI or SDI Open Water course is usually a prerequisite for starting the Class IV (entry level) commercial diver course. I can help you with that – click here for more information!
You need a commercial diving qualification in addition to the Open Water course in order to work as a commercial diver. There are a few commercial diving schools in the Western Cape that could help you:
- Seadog Commercial Diving School in Saldanha Bay
- DRC Dive Systems in Cape Town central
- Jack’s Dive Chest (also here) in the Strand
- BS Divers in Hermanus
- You could also contact the Research Diving Unit at the University of Cape Town. If they can’t offer you training themselves, they can probably refer you to someone who can.
There is also Professional Diving Centre (PDC) in Durban if you’re from further afield.
Whatever one you choose, make sure they’re IMCA registered. This is the regulatory body for commercial diving and marine contracting.
The main thing when doing commercial training is to make sure that the school is IMCA registered. (international Marine Contractors Assoc)
The other two very good schools are BS Divers in Hermanus and Professional Diving Center in Durban.
Dear Sir/Madam
I would like to register for commercial diving course in may or June this year, please help me am very much interested.
Kind regards
Can you please help me with the one you recommend most and the application forms also with prospectus please.
Kind regards
Edmund, you need to click on the links to the commercial diving operators in this blog post, and contact one of them to enroll for a course. We do not offer commercial diving courses.
i have already work as commercial diver in my own country ( Iran ) and i’m also padi owsi but my commercial diver certification is not recognized by IMCA so i’d like to have training with seadog or PDC and my problem with them is that sea dog so expensive and PDC they don’t offer any accommodation so as you see i need somewhere cheap with good quality of training and register in IMCA off curse with accommodation so please if you can help me kindly in this matter
best regard’s
Hello I am Ahmed from Egypt padi instructor I want to be a commercial diver my age is 42 is that can cause a problem for me to find a work? Thanks
Hi Ahmed, best that you get in touch with a commercial diver training school, or better still with an agency that finds job placements for commercial divers. They will hopefully be able to give you an honest answer to your question.
i got a class 2 commercial diving ticket. do you know of any commercial diving agencies
I recently qualified as a comm.3 diver and cant find any work in africa/cape.Am I doing something wrong? Please give some advise…Thank you.