Hi divers
Lucky for us 2012 is a leap year so we all have the chance of having a log book entry for February 29th. Plan ahead – perhaps it will become fashionable!

The season for blue sharks and mako sharks is starting to wind down and towards the end of March the winds change and these trips end. There are spots available next week for this trip, mail me for details. Basically we leave Simon’s Town Harbour at around 7.15 am and motor out to a canyon in the ocean where the depths are well over 300 metres. A scent trail of sardines and fish oil attracts the sharks (blues, makos and often longfin tuna as well), and we hover in midwater interacting with them while they investigate us and the chum.

Autumn and winter mean the convergence of the white sharks around Seal Island again, and we plan to go and visit them with Shark Explorers. If this kind of trip interests you, either let me know or watch the newsletter… The best time to see white sharks is in winter, and the visibility is a lot better then as well. I’m sorry to mention winter while you’re all trying to make the most of summer!
Many of you have expressed an interest in diving with the sevengill cowsharks. If you’re keen to do a dive like this, drop me a mail and remind me and I’ll put your name on my list. This time of year is good for fun diving as no one has money to start courses! Next weekend we will focus on boat diving – I have some Advanced students who need to complete a deep dive, and several newly qualified Open Waters who are desperate to get on the boat!
This weekend we plan to do an early dive at Oudekraal on Saturday morning to avoid (or get the benefit of) the southeaster, and then on Sunday we’ll be at Long Beach. I’m glad to be finishing some of your courses after the medically-induced hiatus of the last few weeks. If you have not yet done your exam and quizzes and you’re coming diving on one of these days, please try to schedule some extra time so that we can complete your bookwork at the beach. Otherwise Clare will have to buy some biscuits so that you can come and do it at our house one evening.
Just a reminder of our Mozambique trip, which we’ve decided to move to 7-12 May from our original plan of the week before. Plane tickets will be a lot cheaper and easier to come by – when we checked flights for 1 May, half of them were already sold out. Clare has made a small spreadsheet with estimated costs if you’re interested in taking a look – let me know and I’ll send it to you. We’ll be booking plane tickets towards the end of February.
Tony Lindeque
076 817 1099
Diving is addictive!