What do you think about the question of who should pick the boat dive site? The skipper knows what the conditions are, can read the sea and follows the weather closely. The divemaster knows his divers, their abilities, and their diving preferences. You, on the other hand, have paid good money to go on the boat…
And maybe you are hell-bent on getting a photograph of mating cuttlefish, and don’t mind whether it’s blowing a hurricane with a tsunami forecast for later this afternoon – you are determined to go to the cuttlefish mating grounds. Select all the options below that you think apply!
[polldaddy poll=5926420]
And as usual you can explain yourself in the comments!
Hi, the skipper and DM should know the best and be aware of all the conditions if it is diveable or not. But you as the diver should also know your limits and dive with in that limits. In saying that it can also be difficult to judge as for some divers they are only used to dive flat, blue warm water and at some dive destinations like Cape Town it can be daunting on occasions but still be good dives. My conclusion is listen to the DM and skipper take advice from local divers and stay with the dive plan and buddy + the DM.