Hi divers

Clare and I were away last week and despite the modern world in which we live we stayed in a place called Marico Oog that had no cell phone reception. In order to download text messages it required a drive of some distance to a hilltop for signal, quick replies and then back down the valley. Despite (or because of) the lack of contact with the outside world we had some awesome diving in the source of the Marico River, crystal clear water, 21 degrees and the nice part was diving with no weight belt!

Prior to the trip up north I had a very busy stretch and it has been pretty much the same since we got back. The weather did not play along for Saturday’s dive planning but Clare and I did get a real early start and when for a boat trip at Zeekoevlei to test a boat. Very windy and very dark brown water but a very nice boat ride. Two hours later the boat stood outside in our driveway. Watch this space!
Recent dives
Sunday we had a very cold, clean deep dive in the Atlantic, chilly 10 degree water. I have been in or on the water all week. False Bay is still pleasant at 19 degrees and on my way to Simon’s Town this morning I counted no less that 30 fishing boats between Muizenberg and Simon’s Town. The bay is teeming with big schools of fish right now. The water is not all that clear and the last few days reports from Seal island and partridge point have been 2-4 metre visibility.

Weekend diving
Plans for this weekend are not cast in stone as yet as I want to wait and see what the water looks like tomorrow after today’s strong winds and rain. It was not all that great today as there was a fair amount of swell and the viz was a low 2-3 metres. Hopefully the wind will have cleaned the bay up somewhat.
I have a list of people that have all indicated a keenness to dive this weekend so I will text everyone on that list tomorrow evening. If you haven’t been in touch and might want to dive, you know what to do.
Cape Town Dive Festival

The very first Cape Town Dive Festival will take place at the Cape Boat and Ski Boat Club at Miller’s Point, on 10 and 11 August 2012. Visit the website, think about participating (boat dives are only R100), and let me know if you’d like to do some dives with us on either of the days. It’s going to be a super event and the aim is to promote diving in Cape Town, something that we are very enthusiastic about.
Tony Lindeque
076 817 1099
Diving is addictive!