Dive briefing on the beach at Sodwana

You tell me: Divemaster or no divemaster?

In Cape Town, most dives are done without the direct leadership of a Divemaster. If you’ve dived in Sodwana, for example, all the dives are led by Divemasters who tell you when to end the dive (usually after 50 minutes if you’re not low on air before that), find awesome little critters for you to take pictures of, and constantly count the divers to see whether everyone’s still with the group.

Dive briefing on the beach at Sodwana
Dive briefing on the beach at Sodwana

What do you think – are Divemasters a necessary part of a dive, or are you happy to explore by yourself? Or, do you prefer something in between – a group or buddy who know what they’re doing, and you’ll stick with them? Share your views below!

[polldaddy poll=5926517]

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Scuba diver, teacher, gadget man, racing driver, boat skipper, photographer, and collector of stray animals