Hi divers
This being Easter I have a sneaky suspicion that the weather man is going to ensure you eat all your Easter eggs. The conditions in False Bay are currently poor with reports of 1 metre visibility from those who usually give estimates of double what it really is. So you must know it’s really bad. The wind twists and turns all weekend plus Sunday sees the arrival of a huge swell. Our plans to go diving on Monday are out of the window unfortunately. Should the conditions miraculously improve I will text everyone that was planning to dive.

As some of you are aware we have added a boat (and two kittens) to the list of things to wash, take care of and feed. There is much to do to get the boat ready for diving and this is being dealt with on the days when I’m not in the water. It’s a 6.5 metre rubber duck and we plan to use it for a bunch of things, not just diving, but we are looking forward to some good dives when all is ship shape.

Clare and Corne have just completed their Divemaster courses. Luckily Clare is sticking around in Cape Town but Corne has left for the Mediterranean and some warmer conditions where he will work on superyachts. We wish him all the best on his travels! While we’re at it, congratulations to Gerard and Mariaan on the birth of their daughter Mieke. She’s being measured for a wetsuit as we speak.
Don’t forget about the Cape Town Dive Festival which is happening in August and promises to be lots of fun. Some of the dives will fill up quickly – particularly the SAS Fleur – so if you feel like and are qualified for a really special deep wreck dive (or a shallow wreck, or a reef, or seals… there are many options), check out the dive festival website and get booking.
Wishing all of you who celebrate Easter and Pesach a special weekend with family and friends!
Tony Lindeque
076 817 1099
Diving is addictive!