The people looking at the camera are our divers!

Newsletter: On the surface

Hi divers

What a windy week, or weeks we have had. Last weekend a bunch of us braved the rain… I don’t mind getting wet but there is just something unpleasant about kitting up in the rain – weird I know – and dived with Alistair from Underwater Explorers. The first dive was a deep dive to the SAS Good Hope and the second to a site called Outer Castle. The water was warmer than expected, around 17 degrees, but there was a fair amount of swell and the dive was somewhat surgy and the visibility for both dives was around 6 metres. The photos in this newsletter were taken above the surface because our official photographer last Sunday, Maurice, is in hiding.

The people looking at the camera are our divers!
The people looking at the camera are our divers!

There is nothing to talk about regarding diving this week as I have not been in the water at all. The southeaster has blown consistently and made the conditions less than appealing. I have put the week to good use and done some work on the boat, primarily upgrading the electronics as the stuff that was fitted to the boat would have given us a 20% chance of finding any of the dive sites.


This trip is booked and we have negotiated a really good rate for the diving with terrific accommodation on the beach. There is still space if you act really quick… As quickly as Chuck Norris…

Divers on board
Divers on board

Cape Town Dive Festival

Grant has put a huge amount of work into this project and with help from many of the dive centres there are really good sponsors on board and great prizes. The bookings have started to pick up and one dive centre in Johannesburg has made a really big block booking. Don’t wait too long, better you visit and book the dives you want to do. We will be doing the following dives (there’s already a small group) if you want to join us:

Friday 10 August

Saturday 11 August

The dive boat heads towards Smitswinkel Bay
The dive boat heads towards Smitswinkel Bay


I have a new Open Water course starting this weekend, Rescue and EFR next week, and a Nitrox student in hiding! If anyone sees Maurice, tell him to call me… Detecting a theme here!

We had plans of boating this weekend as well as continuing Open Water students but alas this is not going to happen. The bay is a mess as we speak and is only going to get worse before it gets better. I reckon Tuesday next week will be the first day the ocean will see me.


Tony Lindeque
076 817 1099

Diving is addictive!

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Scuba diver, teacher, gadget man, racing driver, boat skipper, photographer, and collector of stray animals