The Cape Town Dive Festival 2012 website

The Cape Town Dive Festival 2012

The Cape Town Dive Festival 2012 website
The Cape Town Dive Festival 2012 website

The very first Cape Town Dive Festival will take place on Friday 10 and Saturday 11 August 2012, at the Cape Boat and Ski Boat Club at Miller’s Point. As many of the dive operators as possible are co-operating in the planning. The aim is to promote diving in Cape Town, and we’re very excited about this event!

The cost is R200 to register, which gets you a T shirt and access to the discounted boat dives, competitions and festivities, and R100 for each boat dive you do. So if you do two boat dives, you’ve already saved yourself some money!

There are six dive boats launching three times a day to seven sites (wrecks and reefs at a range of depths for all qualification levels), as well as frequent shore dives to visit the sevengill cowsharks. There’s something for everyone – from the wrecks of the SAS Fleur, the MFV Orotava, the SAS Pietermaritzburg and the SAS Good Hope to the reefs at Pie Rock, Outer Castle, Partridge Point (for some seals!), Batsata Maze and more.

Visit the Dive Festival website for more information! Clare is handling bookings, so when you book your spot you’ll be interacting with her. If you want to join the Learn to Dive Today rabble on the boat, contact me to find out which dives we’ll be participating in. If you want to rent kit and cylinders on the day, be sure to let me know as soon as possible.

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Scuba diver, teacher, gadget man, racing driver, boat skipper, photographer, and collector of stray animals

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