The poetic title is not mine – it’s the work of Chris Fallows of Apex Predators and author of Great White and Eminent Grey, who wrote a wonderful article on False Bay that appeared in Africa Geographic magazine in May 2011. Tami brought it to my attention at the time, and a copy lives folded up in my diving logbook. I’ve wanted to share it here but unfortunately the archives on the Africa Geographic site are for paid subscribers only.
Fortunately for everyone, the article has now been republished on the Valley Trading Post website. You can read it here in several parts:
As someone who spends almost the whole of every weekend in or on or around False Bay, I am able to say that I’ve seen many of the species Fallows describes in his article… But there are just as many that I haven’t spotted yet and this is quite a fabulous thought. False Bay is an extraordinary geographical feature – when Tony and I look at it from the top of the Glencairn Expressway or Boyes Drive we often marvel at what a beautiful natural harbour it seems to be. The flora and fauna it supports is breathtakingly diverse and if you’re a Capetonian I suggest you read this article and prepare to be amazed, and very proud.