Hi divers
It has been close on two weeks that we have not dived. At this time of year the wind is meant to blow from the north and west, during winter yet we are having primarily southeast wind and coupled with the weekly large swells from a southerly direction they have been trashing the bay. The visibility on Wednesday was down to around two meters at Long Beach and definitely has not improved since then. Sadly, it is not ideal conditions for training dives.
False Bay has also seen a host of odd shipping events, there was a huge US navy frigate, a cat hull here a few weeks ago and currently there is the Panos Earth, an ore carrier, up for auction as the owners do not have the funds to repair it and more recently a sort of bulk oil carrier of sorts also being repaired.

We are currently busy with two Advanced students and a bunch of Open Water students. We will do a night dive for the Advanced course during the next week or two once the visibility improves. You do not need to be an Advanced diver to do a night dive, so if night diving appleals to you teaxt me and I will put you on the list.
Once the real winter weather arrives we will start Deep and Wreck Specialties, but I prefer at least 10 metre visibility for those Specialties.

This weekend
It’s a tough call but we will schedule boat dives for Saturday and Sunday. If the conditions are not great on Saturday we will cancel Sunday. I had a look at the water from the top of Smitswinkel Bay and the water looks cleaner further south, so we will probably dive Atlantis (4-25 metres) and Batsata Maze (4 -27 metres). Text me if you want to dive.
Tony Lindeque
076 817 1099
Diving is addictive!