Hi divers
So, finally the south easter stopped blowing and we had a taste of winter winds blowing hard and softly this past week. The results, cleaner but not too much colder water. We dived Atlantis and Photographer’s Reef today, and 12 metre visibility and 13 degree water. It is probably the best viz I have seen in recent times. Last weekend we dropped anchor at an unnamed dive site close to Miller’s Point and had a good 10 metre visibility so slowly the bay is starting to deliver. The wind tomorrow blows fairly hard from the north west which will either clean the bay even more or at least keep it as good as it is now.

Weekend plans
The wind will be moderate, but from the north west so the bay will be flat. The bay will be sheltered from the 4 metre swell as it is from the south west because of Cape Point, so it will have very little impact. The swell period is also very long, 18 seconds on Saturday, so I hope it will make for really good diving.

I am having a lot fun diving off the boat and we will launch Saturday and Sunday. We have been launching from the False Bay Yacht Club and it is a very pleasant atmosphere. Not to mention the option of a hot shower (if you take out temporary membership for the day) and toasted sandwiches or burgers in the clubhouse after diving.

I will plan for two launches each day, one or both of the days will be to Atlantis to accommodate Bernita as she asked for this site a week ago and promised to bring cake. The rest will be decided on the day by the people that have booked, so go here and here, read about the sites, then go here and bake a cake and send me a text with your choices… You may or may not be lucky but then again a slice of cake on the boat is a very strong motivator for me. (Text Clare for cake options.) There are also several whales and hundreds of dolphins in the bay right now.

Open Water, Advanced, Rescue, EFR and Divemaster courses running currently, join any if you wish or be brave and pick your own… here!
See you in the water!
Tony Lindeque
076 817 1099
Diving is addictive!