A seal at Partridge Point (Seal Rock)

Newsletter: Out and about

Hi divers

Winter conditions are definitely here, but unfortunately that means we must take the good with the bad. The north westerly winds are fantastic for visibility, but we also have to deal with storms, big swells and rain in between!

Blue gas flame nudibranch at Atlantis
Blue gas flame nudibranch at Atlantis

Weekend diving

There’s a huge swell arriving tomorrow, plus howling winds on Sunday. We might do a short notice boat dive on Saturday (i.e. I’ll go check out the conditions on Saturday morning and then text you if we can dive), but it doesn’t look promising. If you want me to let you know if we do dive on Saturday, please reply to this mail or send me a text. Otherwise I’m afraid it’s a stay indoors or go big wave surfing type of weekend coming up.

A two tone fingerfin rests on the reef at Atlantis
A two tone fingerfin rests on the reef at Atlantis

Last week(end)’s diving

Last weekend we had two good days of diving, with visits to Atlantis and Partridge Point on Saturday, and Outer Photographer’s Reef and Partridge Point on Sunday. There are photos from our Atlantis dive here, and for photos from our dive with the seals at Partridge Point you can click here.

A janbruin emerges from a school of fish at Atlantis
A janbruin emerges from a school of fish at Atlantis

Other notable weekend events were spotting a curious Southern right whale mother and calf on our way to dive with seals on Sunday (there’s an album of photos of them here), and Gerard and Cecil trying out their sidemount configurations on the boat. There are some photos of them here. Also, a Russian tourist who dived with us recently has requested that we include matchmaking services with our boat dives. I am giving this some thought (not).

A seal at Partridge Point (Seal Rock)
A seal at Partridge Point (Seal Rock)

I was out on the boat again today, and was stopped by the police, who were checking papers of all the boaters they could flag down. I was very happy to see them out and about, and they enjoyed it when I took their picture!


Tony Lindeque
076 817 1099

Diving is addictive!

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Scuba diver, teacher, gadget man, racing driver, boat skipper, photographer, and collector of stray animals