Date: 18 July 2012
A very early morning wake up to head over the mountain to do a launch for one of the local dive centres whose boat was in for repairs allowed me to see this amazing sunrise.

The ocean conditions were just as good. Flat calm conditions in Smitswinkel Bay and at the SAS Pietermaritzburg, with beautiful visibility. I enjoyed sitting in the sun on the boat in short sleeves, even though it was winter!

I was highly amused when one side of the boat rolled over before the other – maybe they could hear my count better, or all the people with slow reflexes were sitting together!

As an indication of just how out of control abalone or perlemoen poaching is in our waters, here’s a boat loaded with abalone right out on deck, hoses for surface supply of air wrapped around at the back of the boat, landing in broad daylight – in front of a boatload of divers – on the slipway at Miller’s Point. We were stunned.

Fortunately one of the other divers knew the number for law enforcement and called them immediately. They came down from where they were sitting on top of the hill (I’m not sure why) and (I hope) dealt out some justice. Unfortunately I don’t think the abalone got put back.

On my way home I saw the fishing boats returning to Kalk Bay harbour across this beautiful, flat calm sea. What a day!