Hi divers

The diving last weekend was a bit of a washout. The wind predicted for Saturday arrived at twice the strength and we stayed out of the sea. Sunday was not too windy, however there was not too much clean water around and we went as far as the southern end of Smitswinkel Bay without finding much better than 5 metres. Christo explored an area we have not dived before and found a low reef and nice kelp forest.We did get to see whales on the ride down to the dive site, at the dive site and again on the way back.

The week has delivered mixed conditions with 6-8 metre visibility on Tuesday and 5 metres today. There are vast patches of different shades in the bay with some having clean water and some not.
The weekend does look reasonably good for Saturday. Sunday is a bit windier than I like but we could possibly have good conditions for shore dives.

So the plan is:
Two launches on Saturday: first launch maximum depth 30 metres, and the second launch maximum depth 18 metres. Where? well I think it best we go and look for the clean patches and decide out there. If you want to boat dive send me a text and the same goes for shore diving on Sunday.

Nitrox, Open Water and Advanced on the go, with some Specialties in the pipeline. The southeaster will arrive soon and send us off to the Atlantic. I will run Deep, Wreck and Nitrox specialties once we hit the Atlantic as the Aster, the Katsu Maru,the BOS 400,and the Maori all need to be dived again to see what the winter storms and swells have done.

I will also run a Rescue course later this month and we will use the really windy days for pool training.
Tony Lindeque
076 817 1099
Diving is addictive!
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