White southern right whale calf

White southern right whale calf and his mother

Tony summoned me excitedly on the second day of our whale watching trip to De Kelders, to tell me that he’d seen a white whale calf. I was skeptical, until I spotted the little chap myself. Apparently about 4% of southern right whale calves are born with these markings (they are not albinos – you can see that they do have pigmented areas) owing to genetic variation. All, or most, of these white calves are male.


As they get older they darken to a brindle colour, perhaps something like the whale in the second picture in this newsletter. Be patient – the little chap surfaces about 25-30 seconds into the video.

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Lapsed mathematician, creator of order, formulator of hypotheses. Lover of the ocean, being outdoors, the bush, reading, photography, travelling (especially in Africa) and road trips.