Hi divers

We had pretty good conditions last weekend and did two dives at Long Beach on Saturday and two launches on Sunday. We had 4-6 metres visibility at Photographer’s Reef and about the same at Shark Alley. The sevengill cowsharks are scarce right now with very few sightings.

This weekend
The weekend weather does not look altogether bad but there are a couple of events that may slow you down in getting to the dive sites:
- Saturday: a cycling event from Simon’s Town station over Red Hill, around to Cape Point and back to Simon’s Town station – repeated several times over throughout the course of the day. Participants raise sponsorship for however many laps they do.
- Sunday: the Big Walk… there is a walk starting at 9am at Long Beach. Road closures shouldn’t be a big problem – just Fish Hoek main road to Muizenberg, and the Long Beach parking lot will be a bit crowded.
I won’t launch this weekend as I have students. We will be at the pool on Saturday doing Open Water and Rescue and will do the same on Sunday at Long Beach.

We attended a talk at the Fish Hoek library this evening on the Glencairn Barge, believed to have sunk in 1978. It appears no-one really knows its history! The speaker was from Underwater Surveys and showed some fascinating images of wrecks scanned using their very advanced (and expensive) downscan imaging system.
Tony Lindeque
076 817 1099
Diving is addictive!