Some time ago National Hyperbarics closed their facility at Kingsbury Hospital in order to move to another location in the southern suburbs. The move seems to have taken longer than anticipated, and with that in mind I queried DAN SA on facebook as to what the alternative recompression chambers are in the Cape Town area. Here is their response:
We have remained in contact with the diving doctor associated with National Hyperbarics. We can confirm that the unit is currently closed and is in the process of being moved. However, there are a number of other options available in the Cape Town (and larger Western Cape area), which includes the Medical School of the University of Stellenbosch (next to Tygerberg Hospital) as well as some commercial diving schools, commercial diving companies and of course the Navy, which we have approached and we have a collaborative partnership in which we would provide the medical support (medical doctors to provide the treatment) and they would provide the technical support (chambers, etc.). It is also of note to mention that the Provincial Government of the Western Cape has made finances available to ensure availability of recompression facilities. As always, this requires some coordination, and it was decided at a multilateral meeting that DANSA would assume overall coordinating responsibility. Therefore, it is vital to phone the DANSA hotline in case of an emergency – and ensure that your membership admin is up to date! Happy diving!
That is all good news. There are alternative chambers in the greater Cape Town area, and DAN will co-ordinate your evacuation to the nearest one (i.e. you don’t have to try and remember where they are). Just ensure that you have current, up to date DAN cover.
There are several types of hyperbaric chambers available. Institutions such as hospitals often have larger, metal chambers that reach pressures exceeding three atmospheres.
Any idea on where to get one to rent for technical research diving?
Unfortunately not – I would approach DAN and see if they have any info, or the UCT Marine Research Unit. Chambers are very scarce in Cape Town at the moment.