Orange-lined crowned nudibranch at Roman Rock

Sea life: Orange-lined crowned nudibranch

Orange-lined crowned nudibranch at Roman Rock
Orange-lined crowned nudibranch at Roman Rock

The orange-lined crowned nudibranch is similar to its relative the crowned nudibranch (Polycera capensis), but lacks the black lines that characterise this species. Instead it has orange lines along its body, and mostly white gills (the exposed fluffy bits half way down its back). There is a yellow line down the tail, clearly visible in the photograph above.

Orange-lined crowned nudibranch at Roman Rock
Orange-lined crowned nudibranch at Roman Rock

This nudibranch doesn’t have its own scientific name yet, as it’s not yet certain whether it merits one, or whether it’s a pale variant of another species. It is believed to eat bryzoans. There is some more information here, here and here on the SURG website, and in Nudibranchs of the Cape Peninsula and False Bay by Guido Zsilavecz.

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Lapsed mathematician, creator of order, formulator of hypotheses. Lover of the ocean, being outdoors, the bush, reading, photography, travelling (especially in Africa) and road trips.