Hi divers
We dived the Atlantic last Saturday, out of Granger Bay, and were rewarded with clean and cold water. Visibility was 15 metres at least and the water was 9 degrees. Christo completed his Advanced course – well done! Sunday was a pool day and on Monday we did Open Water dives 1 & 2 and a Navigation and Search and Recovery dives for Advanced students at Long Beach with surprisingly decent visibility.

The wind has been humping a bit the last few weeks and it was only today we managed some diving again. We dived the Brunswick and the concrete wreck just off Simon’s Town, and had 6 metre visibility and 18 degree water. The southeaster is not letting up so it is going to be an Atlantic weekend again. My guess is Saturday will be best as the wind is less: it’s still blowing, but less than Sunday. I will take a look at the ocean colour tomorrow and decide if we launch from Hout Bay or Granger Bay. Either way, reports of top to bottom viz both sides of the hill are promising. Text me if you want to be on the boat.

Changes at Learn to Dive Today
I have recently completed a crossover course to another international scuba diving training agency, namely SDI/TDI. Scuba Diving International and Technical Diving International are pioneers in technical diving and are also approved by the World Recreational Scuba Training Council (WRSTC). I will be offering SDI recreational scuba courses in addition to the PADI ones I already teach. SDI offer a whole range of additional courses, for example, Research Diver and Solo Diver. These two courses have interested me for ages and I am now able to offer them together with a range of others. More details will appear on our website and in our newsletter shortly. You can read more about SDI here.

We currently have Open Water, Advanced, Nitrox, Rescue and Divemaster on the go.
The holidays are closing in and if you have a few days with not much planned, give me a call and let’s see if we can get you in the water.
Tony Lindeque
076 817 1099
Diving is addictive!