Hi divers

So the wind has not let up much and the visibility is not great anywhere. Sunday’s dives were in clean 10 metre plus viz. We dived the BOS 400 and the SS Oakburn and then Duiker Island. There are some photos here and here. Wednesday we did three dives from Hout Bay and had a day of deteriorating viz, dive one close to 10 metres, dive three closer to 1 metre. Today we had 3 metre viz in False Bay.

This weekend… Hmm, there is a fair amount of south easterly wind between now and the weekend to clean up the Atlantic but despite the current wind speed the water temperature is just over 12 degrees and climbing. This does not bode well for good viz. The water temperature in False Bay is 20-21 deg so the viz will stay at 3-6 metres for the next few days.

The plan
Saturday we will do training at Long Beach. Sunday we will launch from Hout Bay at 8.30am and 11am. We will dive the MV Katsu Maru first (maximum depth 28 metres) and the second dive will depend on the conditions, but will most likely be the seals. It will be suitable for Open Water divers. As usual, please text or email me should you wish to book for any dives.
Tony Lindeque
076 817 1099
Diving is addictive!