Hi divers
So, finally the weather forecast shows a weekend of little or no wind. Our boat has spent the last three weekends on the trailer and not too many weekday launches to brag about either. In fact we have not done nearly as much diving as we had hoped given the nice high day temperatures. Visibility has also been hampered by the strong south easterly winds. Never mind, that’s all about to change. False Bay recovers very quickly when the wind drops and turns and that’s what’s coming.
Our plan is as follows: I have four launches tomorrow so I will spend the day in False Bay, above and below the water. If the viz looks good we will dive the Smits wrecks and possibly Atlantis on Saturday. If the viz sucks we will launch from Hout Bay instead. The Atlantic goes green very quickly once the south easter stops. We will start really early, launching at 8.00 and 11.00 as I need time to fill cylinders for a night dive. The night dive will be at Long Beach and we will meet in the parking at 6.30.
Sunday will be a late start as I will first do a shore dive at Long Beach and then take the boat out.
Text me if you want to dive on any of the days/nights.
We have still not finalised the details for an Aliwal Shoal trip as the weather has a huge influence on the size of the surf through which the boats launch. We are also still looking at Durban and the wrecks they have as a back up plan and this is the cause of the delay. Well, the real delay is just me, but let’s blame the Durban wrecks.

Becoming an SDI Resort Dive Centre was a good move for us and the competitive prices and range of other courses we have added to our selection has been good. January was the first full month and the results have been promising. I now am able to offer close to 30 different training courses in the world of diving. Take a look on the website and see if there is anything that tickles your fancy.
Tony Lindeque
076 817 1099
Diving is addictive!