Hi divers

We launched out of Hout Bay last weekend, visiting the MV Katsu Maru and the Sentinel on Saturday and the SS Maori and seals on Sunday. Despite planning to cancel Sunday we took a chance and had really good conditions. The Atlantic has been holding its own as far as visibility is concerned and has not gone green as quickly as expected. This I think is partly due to a few days of low 20s temperatures, instead of the expected 28- 30 degrees.

Below (courtesy of a CSIR weather buoy) you can see just how quickly things can change and the temperature rose by 6 degrees in less than three hours today. Warm Atlantic usually means dirty water but there is a fair bit of southeaster between now and Sunday to make it a maybe day.

False Bay is currently a little dark and green and we had 2-3 metre visibility on our first dive today at Caravan Reef, with around 6 metre visibility at Pyramid Rock. There is not much weather about that will clear the bay so I doubt we will launch there. Sunday also sees the Peninsula Marathon finishing in Simon’s Town, and that will make getting in and out a bit on the slow side.
On Saturday I will either be in the pool doing Open Water students’ skills, or doing Open Water and Rescue at Long Beach.

The snoek run off Kommetjie has resulted in Hout Bay harbour being a total mess with the most impressive display of bad manners, shoddy parking and general garbage dumping I have seen since the last office Christmas party I attended. It has been like this for most of this week and if it is still like that on Sunday we will do a late start double tank dive. I will make that call early on Sunday morning as there is also some swell, set to drop, but we wont know till early Sunday. Please let me know if you would like to dive on Sunday.
Tony Lindeque
076 817 1099
Diving is addictive!