Hi divers

We were lucky last weekend and had a full diving weekend, it’s been a while. We were at Long Beach on Saturday, and on Sunday managed four launches (to the BOS 400, seals and two parts of the reef under the Sentinel) out of Hout Bay with 10 – 15 metre viz and very little wind or swell. I did sleep well on Sunday night.
The conditions during the week have not been all that great – some big swell and some weird wind directions – but the wind has eased and switched a lot and tomorrow it turns westerly at midday. This will hopefully improve the conditions in False Bay. We are launching tomorrow afternoon, and will have a better idea of the viz tomorrow evening.

Weekend diving
I plan to launch on Saturday from Simon’s Town at 8.30 and 11.00. I don’t want to pick sites just yet but after tomorrow’s dives I will and depending on who is on the boat we will pick something we haven’t dived in a while. Wait, I forgot we haven’t dived anywhere in False Bay in ages.
On Sunday, conditions permitting, we’ll finish some Rescue courses and Open Water students at Long Beach.

I have quite a few courses running, both SDI and PADI, and several Divemasters. Some of the DMTs are just starting, and some close to finished, and one lost in space. Since the beginning of the year I have been focusing on E-learning and it is most definitely far easier for students to do the theory online at their own pace. I can track their progress and review any area they have difficulty with. It is the way forward and more and more courses have this option.
I will have more news on the travel front next week I hope – there have been one or two other scheduling priorities that have to be dealt with! We are still looking at Aliwal Shoal/Durban, with dates around the public holiday on June 16th. I’ll have dates for you next week. In the mean time, keep calm.
Tony Lindeque
076 817 1099
Diving is addictive!