Batman selfie in terrible viz

Newsletter: First breath

Hi divers

We did not plan any dives for last weekend as I suspected conditions were not the best. To make sure I was certain of the decision we dived at Long Beach on Sunday and had perhaps a dim 2 metre viz. Bad idea. Here is a picture I took of myself on that dive, which I think explains it all:

Batman selfie in terrible viz
Batman selfie in terrible viz

This week has been much of the same weather with wind from too many directions to actually fix either the Atlantic or False Bay. Some south east today and not too much tomorrow will maybe improve the Atlantic a bit but I wouldn’t hold my breath. False Bay will most likely be the same 4-6 metre viz but a little (very little) warmer.

Split shot in the pool
Split shot in the pool

Weekend plans

I am shore diving in False Bay tomorrow with students and will launch from Simon’s Town on Saturday to do the qualifying dives for this week’s students. Sunday is wide open and I don’t have a definite plan as such but there is a bunch of people that have not done much diving recently (you know who you are) so I plan to rustle them up and do some of the easier sites such as Ark Rock wrecks and Ark Rock itself. If you want to join us, please text me. Don’t be shy! First timers are welcome. The more the merrier.

Taking a first breath underwater
Taking a first breath underwater


Don’t forget our travel plans. We’re looking for companions who love diving – anyone can come along. If you want more information on either of these trips let me know:

Durban wrecks and reefs – 17 to 21 June

Red Sea liveaboard – 17 to 26 October.

See you in the water!


Tony Lindeque
076 817 1099

Diving is addictive!

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Scuba diver, teacher, gadget man, racing driver, boat skipper, photographer, and collector of stray animals