Hi divers
It has been a lean week with very few opportunities to go diving. Last weekend was no better. I spent Friday out on the bay in very misty grey conditions and the weekend was just too windy and rainy. A consolation for the wet and wintry weather has been the presence of a very relaxed pod of dolphins in Fish Hoek Bay and Mackerel Bay (where the wreck of the Clan Stuart is) for most of this week.

This weekend sees the arrival of some wet weather, some wind and a host of conflicting reports of a huge swell. Earlier this week the swell was predicted to be close to 10 metres. Some weather sites still predict 7-8 metres but only arriving on Monday. Some sites claim there is a 4 metre swell in the bay right now but that is not there. I drove down the coast this afternoon looking.

Anyway, regardless of who is and isn’t correct with the predictions, the wind and pouring rain will most certainly keep me from diving this weekend, and whether the swell is 4 or 10 metres, it’s going to be big. Sorry about that!
When the weather is this bad it helps to plan a trip to warmer waters to take your mind off how wet your socks are. We’re off to Durban on 17 June – if you act fast you can still join us – and the Red Sea in October. Let me know if you want more information on either trip.
Tony Lindeque
076 817 1099
Diving is addictive!
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