It is ridiculously exciting to see whales up close on a whale watching trip. Doing the trip in False Bay, which I am ever more convinced is one of the most spectacular natural wonders on the face of God’s green earth, is the cherry on top (if you like cherries). False Bay is about 1000 square kilometres in extent, and supports a remarkable array of wildlife – from worms to whales, and everything in between.

Please enjoy these photographs I took from the whale watching boat. They are mostly of the False Bay coastline, but there are also a few shots of some of the SA Navy’s military hardware thrown in for good measure. Look out for the SAS Mendi (F148) frigate, and one of our Heroine class submarines – not sure which of the three this is, but I’d be surprised if it was the SAS Charlotte Maxeke because I’m not sure if she’s been fixed after her 2012 collision with the seabed.
You can see the big swell in evidence around the base of Roman Rock lighthouse. But I digress. Here are some pretty pictures.