Whale on the beach in Fish Hoek

Newsletter: Whale of a tale

Hi divers

Weekend plans

Possible launch in the Atlantic on Sunday, for hardened veterans who don’t mind rough surface conditions, possible rain, and cold water. If this sounds like you, let me know and I’ll text you if we go ahead! I’ll decide on Saturday late afternoon.


We changed website hosts this week, and emails to learntodivetoday.co.za are bouncing at the moment. Please use my gmail address instead (my name and surname at gmail.com) for the time being.

Whale on the beach

Earlier this week a whale carcass washed ashore at St James beach. It didn’t look much like a whale any more. Such a large animal will feed millions of mouths in the ocean from the tiniest organism to the great white shark. Out in the ocean and left to nature, such a carcass would slowly be consumed down to the last morsel, but given the proximity to us human beings such matters need some intervention. Plan A was to tow it out to sea, plan B was to remove it to a landfill. It was taken under tow but sadly the weather was against this succeeding, and left anywhere in False Bay the wind would most likely return it to shore.

Whale on the beach in Fish Hoek
Whale on the beach in Fish Hoek

At around 5.30 pm it was landed in Fish Hoek, dragged and pushed up the beach and loaded onto a flat bed truck. This took about four hours. It was estimated to weigh between 3-4 tons so this was no easy task. We watched from around 5.00 pm and I was very impressed by Shark Spotters,Cape Town city officials, Solid Waste staff, the work crew and everyone else who really made a huge problem go away in a matter of hours. Before you say, ”why don’t they leave it to nature?” bear in mind that given the time of year – with lots of people in the water, seasonal inshore shark movement, and onshore prevailing winds – and it all adds up to, it was the best and only option available.

Preparing to put the whale on a truck
Preparing to put the whale on a truck

We dived at Long Beach today and found a few chunks of this carcass in about 6 metres of water. There are most likely more around and Solid Waste staff have been removing these chunks as and when they wash up on the beach. Be vigilant!

Weekend plans

What about the weekend? Well, I do not hold much hope for great conditions on either of the days. However, Sunday may just pan out. The south easter is set to blow between 30 and 60 km/h from midday tomorrow until late on Monday. This wind direction cleans the Atlantic but it is set to blow there too, possibly 30+ km/h, making for appalling surface conditions. Down below it will most certainly be crystal clear so if a really rough boat ride does not bother you let me know. If the wind does drop it will be a day of really good diving.

I have also scheduled boat diving for Tuesday as I have an Open Water course to complete, and Tuesday looks really good. Take the day off work!

There is always the option of great conditions in Gordon’s Bay when the south easter blows so check with Deon from Indigo Scuba late on Saturday for Sunday dives.


Tony Lindeque
076 817 1099

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Scuba diver, teacher, gadget man, racing driver, boat skipper, photographer, and collector of stray animals