Hi divers
Weekend plans
Best day for diving looks like Sunday, and it’ll be an Atlantic day. Text me if you want to be informed of any plans to launch.

Recent diving
The south easter has certainly made itself felt and we have had close to 60 km/h wind in False Bay more than a few days over the last week. This is meant to clear the Atlantic but didn’t really do so last weekend, and we had mediocre viz at best and very surgy conditions launching out of Hout Bay.
I am out in Hout Bay tomorrow on a seal trip so I will have a better idea of the conditions tomorrow evening. Sunday will be the day for diving so text me to book and I’ll keep you in the loop regarding plans.

We attended a talk at the Save Our Seas Shark Centre in Kalk Bay this evening on sevengill cowsharks, and there are big plans from local and international scientists to try and gather data on this species as they are listed as data deficient on the ICUN Red List. There are ways for local scuba divers to assist, especially with a photo ID project, and we will share more about that next week.
Tony Lindeque
076 817 1099
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