Everything ocean related, with a special focus on scuba diving the rich coastal waters of Cape Town, South Africa.
Red Sea trip photos: liveaboard life
More chilling
Here are some photos that we took during our Red Sea liveaboard trip in October. I hope they give you an idea of what life on the boat was like. I didn’t take any photos at meals because I am not a hipster and I was too busy eating, but I can assure you that the food was magnificent and a central part of the whole experience. You will not lose weight on a holiday like this!
Two blue o two liveaboards at Hurghada Marina
On board in the marina at night
The space left by our liveaboard when we left Hurghada
Chilling on the sun deck
Tying the boat up to a reef
Tony on the fly deck with Captain Mohammed
Ignore the frantic activity in the background! Me and Tony
The CMA CGM Alexander von Humboldt, one of the world’s largest container ships
The CMA CGM Alexander von Humboldt in the Strait of Gubal
Sun is setting
View from the bow
Tony being all manly
The bridge
Me and a lot of bottled water
View from our bathroom
Special moment between Kate and Christo
On board
The captain often drove the boat from the fly deck
Back of the fly deck
Pensive crew member
Liveaboard traffic
Stalked in the bathroom
Upstairs lounge where some briefings were held
Liveaboards at Sha’ab Abu Nuhas at night
Our amazing chef at work
The bow is a busy place
Festive dining room
Towing one of the Zodiacs
Our cabin
Enjoying the bean bags on the sun deck
Veronica relaxing on a boontjiesak
Supplies arrive for the next trip
Our liveaboard in the marina at the end of our trip
Lapsed mathematician, creator of order, formulator of hypotheses. Lover of the ocean, being outdoors, the bush, reading, photography, travelling (especially in Africa) and road trips.
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