Everything ocean related, with a special focus on scuba diving the rich coastal waters of Cape Town, South Africa.
Red Sea trip photos: some scenery
To finish off the deluge of photographs taken while on board the boat while we were on our liveaboard trip to the Red Sea, here are some pictures of the scenery
Pimped out scooter in Hurghada
Private beach at the Marriott
Private island at the Marriott
Shipwreck near the Hurghada marina
Cliffs on the Sinai Peninsula in the Ras Muhammad National Park
Shallow water where the reefs are is lighter in colour
Hazy desert landscape
Liveaboard anchored at a reef
Liveaboards at the Thistlegorm
Liveaboards at sunset
Special Kate
Clouds at sunset
More sunset
Pink clouds
Boats at the fuelling station in Hurghada
Tony at the fuelling station
Fishing boat
Packing ice on board
The mosque in front of Hurghada marina
This ferry goes across to Saudi Arabia
The mosque in Hurghada
Shipwreck at sunset
Sunset at Hurghada marina
Flying in to Hurghada the reefs are visible from the air
Lapsed mathematician, creator of order, formulator of hypotheses. Lover of the ocean, being outdoors, the bush, reading, photography, travelling (especially in Africa) and road trips.
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