Blue spotted ray

Dive sites (Red Sea): Sha’ab Abu Nuhas

Damselfish over some fire coral
Damselfish over some fire coral

Sha’ab Abu Nuhas is best known as the “ships’ graveyard”, a treacherous triangular reef in the Straits of Gubal on whose north side at least four wrecks lie within recreational diving range. In preparation to dive some of those wrecks, our liveaboard was anchored on the south side of the reef, and we did a dive there off the back of the boat while we waited for better conditions. The site is very beautiful, with rich corals and abundant fish.

Fusiliers and coral
Fusiliers and coral

We were shadowed by fusiliers for the duration of our dive, which was done in still water with almost no current. I found a couple of rays on the sand, and this site in particular felt very much like a dive in an aquarium, as we were surrounded by clouds of fish. The side of the reef where the wrecks are is very exposed, often with rough surface conditions and strong currents, but the opposite side of the reef is sheltered and suitable for even inexperienced divers.

After the excitement of a vigorous drift dive at Bluff Point, this was a very relaxing way to pass an hour!

Blue spotted ray
Blue spotted ray

Dive date: 22 October 2013

Air temperature: 25 degrees

Water temperature: 26 degrees

Maximum depth: 11.6 metres

Visibility: 30 metres

Dive duration: 54 minutes

Kate's middle finger
Kate’s middle finger

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Lapsed mathematician, creator of order, formulator of hypotheses. Lover of the ocean, being outdoors, the bush, reading, photography, travelling (especially in Africa) and road trips.

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