
Dive sites (Red Sea): Bluff Point (Big Gubal Island)


Bluff Point is on the north eastern end of Big Gubal Island. We did a remarkable drift dive there while liveaboarding in the Red Sea last October, starting against the outer lagoon wall and drifting along in shallow water until we were thrown out over incredibly deep water by a rush of current that left me clutching Tony’s arm. The island is at the entrance of the Strait of Gubal, and its eastern side is buffeted by turbulent currents and winds. The current was strong and fast, and we didn’t really have to fin at all, except when we wanted to look at something particular off to the side.


This area is a popular overnight spot for liveaboards, and we did do a night dive here the evening prior, on the barge wreck that is found nearby. On this dive we did go across to it briefly too, but the current was pushing us along and we decided not to linger. The liveaboards tie up to stainless steel rings sunk into the reefs all over the Red Sea. The captains seem to unerringly know where these mooring rings are, and what type they are. Here’s one we found in about 10 metres of water on the outside of the lagoon wall.

Liveaboards tie up to these stainless steel rings in the reef
Liveaboards tie up to these stainless steel rings in the reef

Once the current pushed us out into deep water, we sent up an SMB and the crew of our liveaboard fetched us on a Zodiac.

The outer lagoon wall at Bluff Point
The outer lagoon wall at Bluff Point

Dive date: 22 October 2013

Air temperature: 27 degrees

Water temperature:  26 degrees

Maximum depth: 14 metres

Visibility:  40 metres

Dive duration: 46 minutes

Damselfish under the boat
Damselfish under the boat

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Lapsed mathematician, creator of order, formulator of hypotheses. Lover of the ocean, being outdoors, the bush, reading, photography, travelling (especially in Africa) and road trips.

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