Hi divers
Weekend diving
Launching on Sunday from Hout Bay to dive the Katsu Maru and the BOS 400. Text or email me if you’re interested.

The week’s diving
We have had an exceptional week of great diving, light winds and adequate sunshine, warm 20+ degree water and around 3-4 metre viz. Sadly we cant always get what we we want, and it is seldom that warm water and good viz arrive together. We are busy with a nice range of training courses so every day has been interesting and fun.

The weekend diving is really easy to call for a change. The wind blows very hard today and tomorrow and a bit less on Saturday with light winds on Sunday. A 4 metre swell for Friday lingers on Saturday, though Long Beach could work. But on Sunday False Bay will be a no-go as most of the Main Road will be closed for the Cape Peninsula Marathon, which finishes in Simon’s Town.
The good news is that the temperature of the Atlantic has dropped from 23 degrees to 13 degrees in the last 6-8 hours and I think Sunday will deliver some clean water. We are scheduled to launch in False Bay tomorrow but I think we may change to Hout Bay instead. Sunday we will most likely launch from Hout Bay and will dive the Katsu Maru and the BOS 400.

Special events
We are all set for our trip to Coral Divers in Sodwana from 26-30 April. If you’re still keen to join us, let me know and I’ll see what we can do!
The Cape Town DAN Day takes place on Saturday 17 May. These are educational days filled with talks on diving topics, as well as a tour of the facility where they are held. If you want more information on this event, let me know – space is limited so you need to reserve a place (free of charge) in advance.
Don’t forget to book for the Cape Town Dive Festival, taking place in May – more information on the CTDF website.
Tony Lindeque
076 817 1099
Diving is addictive!
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