Our three swimmers set off

Freedom Swim part III: Swimming across Table Bay

Table Mountain and a swimmer
Table Mountain and a swimmer
Tony at the helm
Tony at the helm

The swimming part of the Freedom Swim took a while. Our swimmers completed the 7.5 kilometre stretch in just over three hours, so we were moving at 2-3 kilometres per hour most of the time. I kept an eye on the swimmers, and Tony kept the course correct. We were at the back of the group of swimmers, so up ahead we could always see the other boats. Some of the swimmers (in white caps) were doing relays, so there were regular sightings of skippers hauling freezing participants onboard, and others leaping off into the ocean to continue the swim.

Boats up ahead
Boats up ahead

Once we got to Big Bay, we guided the swimmers between the rocks and handed them over to the local lifesavers, who guided them to the beach and assisted them through the surf. Once they were on dry land, there were immediate medical checks, an afterparty, and prizegiving. Tony and I headed back to Granger Bay in the stiff breeze that was building, with a slight detour…

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Lapsed mathematician, creator of order, formulator of hypotheses. Lover of the ocean, being outdoors, the bush, reading, photography, travelling (especially in Africa) and road trips.