Hi divers
Weekend diving: Shore dives tomorrow (Friday) at Long Beach
Weekend boating: Watching the big wave surfers at Dungeons on Sunday, if conditions line up properly
Dive conditions
As far as diving goes this week has seen few decent days, and I have only had pool days. There has been hectic wind and lots of swell but the good news is the water is clean, if a little chilly. Tomorrow I will be climbing in at Long Beach for student dives.
Weekend plans
This weekend is again an odd one as Saturday is meant to boast near gale force winds and on Sunday there will be less wind but a long period swell of around 6 metres – so If washing machine diving is your thing, go diving.

There is a good chance that Dungeons delivers the goods on Sunday and if it does we will launch from Hout Bay and go get a few pictures of the really brave and talented big wave surfers. The photo above shows some surfers on this awesome wave on a relatively small (if you can believe it) day! If you’d like to be on the waiting list for this, let me know. I’ve been modifying our tank rack on the boat so it converts to a bench, so it’ll be great to test that out!
Next week looks like a week of wind and swell which will hamper diving but hopefully by next weekend it will improve. One interesting thing about big winter swells and strong winds is that the wreck of the BOS 400 might go down this winter… Let’s wait and see.
Tony Lindeque
076 817 1099
Diving is addictive!
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