Hi divers
Weekend diving
Saturday: Shore dives at Long Beach for Open Water students
Sunday: Happy fathers’ day! Stay at home.
Monday: Boat dives to visit the cowsharks (9.30am) and Roman Rock (11.30am) from False Bay Yacht Club. Meet at the jetty outside Bertha’s.

Conditions report
We have had a few days of really good diving with very little wind, good visibility and sunny skies. The viz today was better than yesterday: we had about 15 metre visibility at Photographer’s Reef, and at Roman Rock it was even better with 15-20 metre viz. Funnily enough close inshore the viz was a lot less and at the jetty at low tide the water was so brown you couldn’t see the bottom.

Dive plans
The forecast for the weekend does not look all that rosy and there is meant to be strong winds, rain and a fair amount of swell. We will be doing student dives at Long Beach on Saturday, and having a dry day on Sunday.
The good news is that Monday does look good again – and it’s a public holiday – so we plan to launch then, to go to the cowsharks first. It is approaching the time of year they when sometimes do their disappearing act (some period during the months of July-November). The second dive will be to part of the huge Roman Rock site that I have recently found to be very interesting.
Dive sites may change depending on whether the forecast swell arrives or not. If you’d like to dive, reply to this email or send me a text.
Orca and dolphin talk
Researchers Simon Elwen and Ryan Reisinger are giving a talk on the Marion Island Killer Whale Project (on facebook here) and the Namibian Dolphin Project. Who doesn’t love orcas and dolphins?
The talk is this Monday 16 June (a public holiday), at Bertha’s in Simon’s Town, at (about) 7pm. There is a cover charge of R25. Please rsvp on facebook! All are welcome.
Tony Lindeque
076 817 1099
Diving is addictive!
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