Hi divers
Weekend diving
Friday: Launch for cowsharks at 2.00pm
Saturday: Fully booked
Sunday: Boat dives if conditions permit, text or email if you want to be notified
Dive conditions report
We have been really busy with two groups of police divers from far inland. Most of their diving for work is in zero visibility and they have been experiencing some 15 metre viz dives for the second week in a row now. In between this I have also done a few shore dives at Long Beach and had 3 m viz on one day and 10 m viz the next day. There are huge patches of clean and dirty water around in the bay and on Wednesday we saw a few patches of red tide around.

Dive plans
Winter diving is most definitely different. A huge swell rolled in today so we stayed off the water but will be back tomorrow and plan to do three launches. The third, to cowsharks still has a few spots open and we will leave the jetty in Simon’s Town at around 2.00 pm.
I am fully booked for a charter on Saturday. Conditions for Sunday are a little uncertain. The forecast says north easterly wind and that is seldom pleasant to dive in so we will make a call early Sunday as to whether or not we will launch.
Text or email me if you want to dive.

We attended a talk on Monday evening on orcas and dolphins and it is always so interesting to hear researchers and scientists talk so passionately about their subjects. There is also an exciting new research collaboration called Sea Search that is starting in False Bay towards the end of this year.
Tony Lindeque
076 817 1099
Diving is addictive!
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