Black nudibranch by Georgina Jones

Newsletter: Making waves

Hi divers

Weekend plans

Friday: Seal Rock (Partridge Point) at 9.30am / Shark Alley at 1.00pm

Saturday or Sunday: Roman Rock at 9.30am / Ark Rock to Photographer’s Reef at 11.30am

Black nudibranch by Georgina Jones
Black nudibranch by Georgina Jones

Dive conditions report

Last Friday we went out in False Bay, and Georgina took this lovely close up of a black nudibranch – thanks for sharing it with us! The visibility wasn’t fantastic, though, and the south easter was a bit strong, which influenced our diving decisions for the rest of the weekend.

We chose to dive out of Hout Bay last Sunday and had really good conditions with 10-12 metre visibility almost everywhere and 15 degree water. We dived below the Sentinel and on the BOS 400, where Christo and Laurine were buzzed by a giant short tailed sting ray. Can you believe it! There were also dolphins just off the harbour wall and they were happy to turn around and say hello as soon as Laurine hit the water with a snorkel. The week has not been all that diver friendly, however, and rain and howling winds have kept us off the water.

Dolphins in Hout Bay
Dolphins in Hout Bay

Weekend plans

This weekend is one of those really hard to call weekends, as the forecasts vary so wildly you would be forgiven for thinking you were looking at the weather in different cities. Most weather and swell forecast sites claim some south easterly wind with a small swell from the south west. Other sites claim slightly more swell but with a 20 second period from the south. A southerly swell rolls straight into False Bay and gives diving in surge a whole new meaning. Tough call.

So my guess is Saturday will be better underwater than Sunday, but Sunday will be better on the surface. I would like to launch both days, but because the forecast is so uncertain I’ll have to make  a call for Saturday late tomorrow afternoon. We will plan to dive Roman Rock at 9.30 and at 11.30 we will drop at Ark Rock and head off towards Photographer’s Reef to see what we can find on the way. You will be very surprised at what there is to see away from the known dive sites.

If we can’t launch on Saturday, I’ll check conditions for Sunday, and we will launch if we can. Sound confusing? Yes. Just email or text me if you feel like a dive this weekend, and I’ll try and make it happen safely and enjoyably.

Other happenings

There is also the possibility that Dungeons will produce a decent wave sometime in the next few days, and that is something to see.

Another option for those at loose ends this weekend is a visit to HMS Iron Duke, a Royal Navy frigate currently visiting Cape Town. This weekend she will be berthed at Jetty 2 in the V&A Waterfront and open to visitors on Friday and Saturday.


Tony Lindeque
076 817 1099

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Scuba diver, teacher, gadget man, racing driver, boat skipper, photographer, and collector of stray animals