Secret pool among the dunes

A view across the valley

Tony on the dune field
Tony on the dune field

Our house (and little dive centre) is located on the edge of a beautiful slice of Table Mountain National Park, below Peers Cave. Living where we do is one of the great joys of our lives. Below Peers Cave is a dune field that stretches to the back of Fish Hoek (and used to stretch all the way to the coast until just over 100 years ago). It’s like a secret slice of wilderness – once you climb over the saddle of the lowest dune, you’re in a valley below the mountain, with a pool of tannin-stained water, reeds, fynbos, and white beach sand.

View from Fish Hoek to Kommetjie
View from Fish Hoek to Kommetjie

From the top of the dunes you can see – all the way to Fish Hoek, and all the way across in the other direction to Long Beach, Noordhoek, and the ocean beyond. False Bay about three kilometres away, as the crow flies, and Long Beach about 4.5 kilometres. Tony and I took a winter Sunday afternoon walk and spent some time sitting on top of the dunes. We watched a container ship making its way slowly north towards Table Bay, and we saw the bright billows of cloud and reflections off the sea in False Bay.

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Lapsed mathematician, creator of order, formulator of hypotheses. Lover of the ocean, being outdoors, the bush, reading, photography, travelling (especially in Africa) and road trips.