Hi divers
Weekend dives
Saturday: Early (6.30am) drift dive for the curious, in False Bay
Sunday: Boat dives from Hout Bay to Tafelberg Reef and the wreck of the BOS 400 (subject to change of location if conditions aren’t suitable)
Conditions and diving
This week we have had some remarkably green and murky diving at Long Beach – as this picture of Laurine attests – and as a result I have postponed the other False Bay shore dives we had planned for this week.

While it’s pea soup underwater, one can still enjoy conditions on the surface; we took a lively Italian family group on a tour of the north western corner of False Bay this week, and had a great time showing off our neck of the woods to them.

It is one of those weekends where neither the Atlantic nor False Bay jump out at you as being the spot for WOW! diving. False Bay is not that clean right now, but it’s far warmer than the Atlantic, and also a little patchy at present. There is some south easterly wind forecast over the next two days but this doesn’t always clean the Atlantic… There are more aspects required for good viz than just the wind.
I think the best chance for good diving (by my standards)will be out of Hout Bay on Sunday. If it looks good we will dive Tafelberg Reef and the wreck of the BOS 400. I will move the launches to Simon’s Town if the Atlantic stays green, in which case we will dive Atlantis and Photographer’s Reef.
I will be out in False Bay tomorrow and if it looks decent I will launch really early – 6.30am on Saturday morning for a drift dive site that I have been keen to explore.
As usual if you want to dive, text or email me and I’ll keep you posted.
Tony Lindeque
076 817 1099
Diving is addictive!
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