My wife goes everywhere with me

Newsletter: Back seat divers

Hi divers

Weekend dive plans

Saturday: Shore dives at Long Beach at 9.30 am

Sunday: Launching from Hout Bay for Tafelberg Reef at 9.00 am / SS Oakburn at 11.30   

Dive conditions – what’s up?      

False Bay currently has a few experts really puzzled as there are no signs of any sharks anywhere. No cowsharks have been seen for a few weeks and not a single great white shark has been seen at Seal Island for close to three weeks. An area close to Cape Point that is often frequented by gully sharks, has also been barren of sharks lately. If anyone knows more or has a theory founded on facts and logic, I would love to hear it.

Both False Bay and Hout Bay look the same as far as water colour and viz are concerned. The water is not as clean and crisp as it has been for the last two weeks but it is still pretty good.

My wife goes everywhere with me
My wife goes everywhere with me

Dive planning

My plan is to shore dive on Saturday, most likely at Long Beach as the swell we have today tapers for the weekend but it does linger into Saturday. The harbour wall shelters Long Beach really well. Sunday will be touch and go (for me) in False Bay with the wind, so I think we will be better off in Hout Bay as there is less wind and very little swell.

Sunday is Mothers’ Day so for the first launch you can dive with us for free if you are a mother.  We will go to Tafelberg Reef for a shallow dive. It will not be necessary to show war wounds, tell scary hospital stories or bring the actual child along (although if they are old enough to learn to dive, we should talk). We will believe you if you say you are a mom. No T’s but C’s do apply . (C stands for Clare and she will check your story.)

As usual, text or email if you want to dive on either day.


Tony Lindeque
076 817 1099

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Scuba diver, teacher, gadget man, racing driver, boat skipper, photographer, and collector of stray animals