Hi divers
Weekend dive plans
Saturday: Launching from Simon’s Town jetty at 10.00 am and 12.00 pm
Dive conditions
Diving has been a little on the lean side the past few weeks but that is all set to change tomorrow. The wind dies, the swell is hammering another beach somewhere else, and the forecast is for day time temperatures above 20 degrees. Okay maybe 20.1 degrees, but still, it’s up there. Saturday is going to be best for diving as Sunday looks wild and windy again, so we will launch from Simon’s Town jetty at 10.00am and 12.00pm. I do know there were reports of 15 metre visibility and 4 metre visibility on the same day in the same bay, so I reckon we will go out and look for some clean water and then decide where we dive.

Sharks, rays and #LoveFalseBay
Next week the Southern African Shark & Ray Symposium is in town. Clare will be live-tweeting the talks from the official twitter handle, so follow @SHARKandRAY2015 and the #SharkRaySA hashtag for some fascinating shark and ray science. We’ll summarise it all afterwards, too, so watch the blog for details.
On Monday evening there is a public event at the Bluebird Garage in Muizenberg where a number of speakers will give short illustrated talks about the wonder that is False Bay. There are more details on facebook! We’d love to see you there.
There is also an exhibition of photographs of False Bay, on display along the catwalk from Muizenberg to St James, and one of the photographers is Joris van Alphen who spent some time on our boat late last year reporting on reef fishes in the bay. It’s worth checking out, too.
Tony Lindeque
076 817 1099
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