2 thoughts on “The Commodore II was sturdily built”

  1. I am the son of the late Richard Albert Paul Devere Lewis who served as crew on this vessel. He wrote a poem about this vessel and their hardships aboard it. Also mentions the storms. His book the festival of poems carries an inscription to Gideon shipmate (Commodore II) who saved him in the storm out at sea. He must have served on her for many years. So much of history is lost, I was surprised to come across this inscription in the book and followed the clues. I am buying back the odd copy of my fathers works, and in the last purchase there was the inscription.

    1. Thanks for your comment Errol! It is amazing how quickly things fade from memory. I am glad that you are able to preserve your father’s experiences in this way. The Commodore II sounds as though she was quite a scary to be on board at certain stages of her history – the experience in the storm must have really stuck in your father’s memory.

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